15 FEBRUARY 2018

Dear All,

Congratulations to all those hardy souls who braved last night’s atrocious weather.  The singing was really great with a couple of new songs, helpful (I hope) revision of some work-in-progress and, of course, a few old favourites. I hope you had as much fun as I did!


There are no immediate choir events although arrangements are underway for the Shaftesbury Fringe (another Gospel singalong maybe) and Gold Hill Fair together with a new community event on Castle Hill (probably in October) and our traditional “Slice of Song” at Amore.  Watch this space as details are firmed up.  Things seem to have gone quiet in connection with the Food Festival though.  Does anyone know anything more than I do?


Friday 16 February  Grand Charity Quiz at the Olive Bowl in Gillingham.  6.30 p.m. for 7.00 p.m.  See previous newsletter.

Friday 23 February  Palida sing Letters to the World 7pm at Shaftesbury Arts Centre prior to film at 8pm 'A Quiet Passion' Concert free, film tickets at SAC box office or at the door.

Saturday 10 March  Concert given by Salisbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m.  City Hall.  See attached flier.

Sunday 25 March  Concert by given by Shaftesbury Orchestra.  7.30 p.m. Port Regis School.  FREE.  See attached flier.